Merry Moments Preschool
Our School
Merry Moments Preschool seeks to provide for the intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development of their students through hands-on, creative play. Through a variety of learning approaches, children explore art, music, language, and math. Fine motor skills are developed by the use of items such as puzzles, beads, crayons, and safe scissors. Gross motor skills are promoted by the use of items like playground equipment and balls. We are blessed to have a teaching staff of state certified teachers with numerous years of elementary/preschool teaching experience. Basic Class Information & Other Details Age grouping and classroom experience will be used to separate the two classrooms. All students have the choice to attend as many days per week as they would like, so long as the minimum attendance levels listed below are met. Mrs. Melanie Doll will teach the 3 & 4-year-old, first year class. First year students must enroll in a minimum of 2 days per week. Mrs. Christie Holferty will teach the 4 & 5-year-old, second year Pre-K class. Second year Pre-K students must enroll a minimum of 3 days per week. When you register a child, you will be able to choose how many days and which days during the week your child will attend Merry Moments. These choices will be set for the school year at that time. Daily School Hours: School days run from 9am to 12pm. Merry Moments follows the Park Hill School District calendar for days off, weather cancellations, etc. Curriculum: The same themes and topics will be taught throughout the week, so regardless of which day your child attends, she or he will have the opportunity to learn the developmental concepts shared in the classroom. Holiday Party Days: There will be one party day for each age group class (one for first year and one for second year). Anyone student who doesn’t regularly attend their class on a day a party is scheduled has the option to attend the party portion of the party day. Field Trips: Similar to the Holiday Party Days, one field trip day will be scheduled for each age group class (one for first year and one for second year). Everyone who is a part of a class, even if they regularly attend on a different day, is welcome to attend the day of the trip. Special Guests: Special story times and other special guest visits from the community (fire fighters, library time, tooth fairy, etc.) will tend to be scheduled on the days with the most students in attendance. Attendance: Although not bound by Missouri state guidelines, once Merry Moments has solid registration numbers for a given school year, we will seek at least a 10:1 ratio between students and teachers. This ratio includes a teacher aide in the category of teachers. For instance, if 15 students are registered for a Tuesday first year class, we will work toward having a teacher and an aide present, a 7.5:1 ratio. Tuition Yearly tuition will be divided into 10 equal monthly payments. 2 days per week -- $1250 a year / $125 a month 3 days per week -- $1750 a year / $175 a month 4 days per week -- $2150 a year / $215 a month 5 days per week -- $2500 a year / $250 a month A non-refundable $100 application fee will be charged upon completion of an application for enrollment. This is a per student fee. Tuition fees are due the 15th of each month and are considered late if not received by the end of the month. You will receive an invoice and may make payment by mailing or delivering your check to Park Hill Christian Church’s Office. Or, you may make payment via direct deposit from a bank account. We are more than happy to set this up for you with our accountant. Late payments are subject to a fee of $15.00 per month. If issues arise that impact your ability to pay, please contact Merry Moments to discuss the situation. We want to do what we can to work with families and keep students in school. Thank you for considering becoming a part of Merry Moments Preschool. Preschool students are a blessing to us, and we want to be a blessing to them. Please contact Merry Moments for more information or to ask any questions you might have: 816-741-1851 or email [email protected] |