As Christians, we believe that God is generous. In other words, God is a Gift-Giver. We believe each person has been blessed with gifts to share as a blessing to others.
As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ -- God among us -- amazingly came to serve the world. As people who bear his name (Christian means "little Christ"), we are most like him when we are serving others. As Christians, we believe that when the Holy Spirit was shared with normal people like us the effect included people giving away what they had so that everyone had enough. We seek to be generous -- especially to the most vulnerable -- as a sign of the Spirit of God's loving, challenging presence among us. We seek to help people ask themselves the question: "What have I been given to share?" And, we seek to help them answer that question and put those answers into action. It may be through a ministry already underway here at Park Hill CC, or it may be through a new ministry that was waiting for you to come and start it. |